It's been awhile! I hope to be back here more regularly! However I'm back to school in another week so not sure what "regular" will look like!
My blog tends to be about things God has been doing in my life and showing me through it. It's not that He hasn't shown up, rather He has been the only thing holding me up over the last two years! Funny thing is I remember taking a deep breath at the beginning of 2014-15 school year and thinking "finally, my life is returning back to normal & it's going to be a GOOD year!" Well, it was a GREAT year but not in ways one would expect!!!!!
From November 2013 - June of 2015 life has felt like a Tilt-a-Whirl. I never did like carnival rides because there was a person in control that I did not know NOR trust! This particular Tilt-a-Whirl ride was crazy & precarious.....YET I knew my God was in control and He was teaching me about TRUST! Two things I struggle relinquishing!
If you've not followed this blog all along you might want to go back and reread some to understand the last two years. Anyway, the evening I found out that I had endometrial cancer I have to say I was in a bit of a fog. All I knew is that I had to tell the people I loved without losing it! I really didn't have time to process it. All I could think was I needed to form a plan but with so many unknowns I didn't know where to start. So that next morning while still in a fog, my daily quiet time had me in Acts 27. As I was numbly reading, several verses leapt off the page at me: "God of whose I am and whom I serve", "unless you abide in the ship, you can't be saved", and "not a hair from your head will be harmed".
The first two verses were all I needed for "a plan". It was no accident that I was reading there because that was exactly the reassurance I needed. He had my full attention. I know this might seem odd but ask many who are saved and daily reading the Bible. This is how He communicates with us through good times and bad! And in my 50 years I have learned that His ways are SOOOOOO much better than mine!!!!
Acts 27 was a great reminder of who I am and what I needed to do! I just needed to focus on Him, not fear this diagnosis, and just keep about the purpose He's placed me in. The last verse.....well,I was not certain it was a promise I could claim. Maybe it was just my vain, wishful thinking? So I went about my job, daily routines/responsibilities, medical appointments/tests, & enjoying family/church/friends. If you didn't notice that I looked 13 months pregnant with twins, you'd never know that anything was wrong! There were minor issues that I'd been dealing with but nothing totally terrible. On the bright side I developed a brand new stretchy wardrobe that can adjust through 3 sizes!
By mid-April we knew that it had been caught early, I had to have surgery mid May, and it was possible that I might need chemo or radiation but still not probable. May 11th I awoke early afternoon in recovery to realize that the discomfort I'd been feeling was gone, a big part of the swelling was gone, & I didn't have a big incision. All huge blessings....and then I went back to sleep! ;) Next day Dr came in to tell me that it was Stage 1, contained, and believe it was all gotten. The tumor was larger than they thought which caused some tears and appeared to be just moving into another stage. Though he wasn't planning to take a lymph they did take one to verify that the cancer had not spread. My only question was if he'd okay me to try fly-fishing for the first time. He thought I was kidding!
So more unknowns but three weeks later I found out that lymphs were all clear and no radiation/chemo were necessary. I was going to get to keep my hair! I was not going to have to be stuck with needles and have IV's which I HATE with a passion!!!!! God is amazing!
Interestingly the hardest part for me was recovery! I didn't struggle with the resting as I had imagined. It could be a bit frustrating at times but I had no options! My body was exhausted and weak beyond what I had ever imagined. I am so thankful my school told me to end my year on medical leave!!! After 4 weeks when I should have been bouncing back(well, I thought I should have been), I was just starting to have symptoms from the surgery, severe vertigo, severe exhaustion, and fear.
The physical recovery wasn't the hard part, rather it was the mental. I feared I would never get back to my personal normal. I truly thought I would not be able to take this celebratory trip I had planned. That was something I'd not experienced before! "I can't" & "can you do this for me?" was never in my vocabulary before so this was a scary experience! I had to constantly face the fears with God's truth and push through. I had to work past a whiny attitude that irritated even me! I had no right to whine because SOOO MANY others had worst circumstances than I! Even with mom's recovery I didn't know what to expect so I took it one day at a time. However, I was told by my surgeon "oh you'll be back to overdoing it AND you can't!" That truly wasn't the case for me! Truth is that he scared me a little and I do not scare easily! I am just now getting back to a little more than half of my normal pace without naps. ;)
Beginning of July I did take that trip to Gatlinburg, TN. One of my goals was to try something new; fly-fishing in a National Park river. BEST THING EVER!!!! Beautiful scenery, going with my best friend, trying something new in my 50's, & having the most patient guide in TN! I actually caught two.....purely by accident too! Casting was easy but the "setting the fish" was something altogether I did not get the feel for! Thankfully my sister traipsed through the forest with us getting some of the best pictures ever!!!! You can actually tell how stressed I was in the pictures at the beginning because I truly didn't believe I could do this physically. Soon in the pictures you can tell I was stress-free and having fun. In fact there was a point where I was in tears all alone because I was so thankful that I was able to take part in God's amazing beauty! I remember walking up out of the river at the end with a huge smile exclaiming to my bestie & my sis "I did it! Love it & can't wait to show my surgeon the pictures!"
I am back! AND better than before because of the grace of God!!!!
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