This is one from end of November 2013 I was working on but never got posted:
I might have mentioned this before but I have never understood how a people who could see, taste, smell, and feel God's provisions could not trust him for the dailies! As I have been reading it again this year I am starting to understand that it is a choice. Are you going to choose to focus on the circumstances that you are currently in or are you going to choose to see how God is working in the midst of those circumstances?
The beginning of October God began to convict me on two areas of my life: 'covetousness' & 'choosing to see Him" despite life's circumstances. Conviction came through my daily reading in Numbers. My coveting was not about "things". I have always been a control freak so for me coveting is about wanting control over my daily life instead of allowing God. A word study led me to Hebrew 13:5.
It is no coincidence that God had me in that particular spot! I believe that He was preparing me for what was ahead.
Then November 1 he drove it deeper by my living in ICU with mom for 1.5 weeks. As terrifying as it was I can also say what a blessing that experience was because I learned how to trust Him deeper. God is STILL always there but we have to make a choice to see Him and how He is at work! AND we have to make the choice to trust that His ways are right not ours!
Maybe I am strange but looking back I am thankful for those trials in my life. I often learn the most effective lessons through them! I love how God uses His Word to teach! No more than a few days after realizing for the first time that the Isrealites simply were not choosing to see I got a phone call saying my mom was at the Emergency Room and they were going to lifeflight her to Peoria. I got a first hand lesson in how we humans still have to "choose to see" Him amidst the chaos.
Good stuff!